Well said Paul. Following the Rs has never been easy and I suspect never will be. The club always has had an uncanny ability to snatch a defeat from the jaws of victory - both on and off the pitch. I know you will keep the faith and I'm confident that the 2 F1 boys will vanish before long (provided their palms are crossed with enough silver) as they are simply not really interested at all - as they love to make plain to anyone who will listen. You walked to Watford - Bernie could not be bothered to go, even though he would have been chauffeured there. That about sums it all up really.
Well said Paul. Following the Rs has never been easy and I suspect never will be. The club always has had an uncanny ability to snatch a defeat from the jaws of victory - both on and off the pitch. I know you will keep the faith and I'm confident that the 2 F1 boys will vanish before long (provided their palms are crossed with enough silver) as they are simply not really interested at all - as they love to make plain to anyone who will listen. You walked to Watford - Bernie could not be bothered to go, even though he would have been chauffeured there. That about sums it all up really.